Capital Preservation Required

Fund Managers need to grow capital and build business; every fund manager we have spoken to have the same goal, but oddly some have missed a fundamental truth about investors.

Investors require capital preservation and asset safeguarding as much as they desire great returns.

A room filled with a couple of traders, Bloomberg Terminals and a plethora of spreadsheets is no longer appealing to knowledgeable investors.

They think of spreadsheet disasters that cost investors millions like Enron, Fannie Mae and JPM Whale Trader.

Perception here is their reality.

That is why today’s Investors expect a fund to have their own day to day infrastructure.

Real Secret to Raising Capital 

We recently spoke to Fund Managers who had doubled or tripled their capital base over the past few years and the common factor was implementation of a shadow back office system to be able to mirror the administrator.

They realized the days of solely relying on the administrator are over.

Investors want fund management to invest in business’ infrastructure that helps regulate, calculate and quantify the performance of their investment.

This presents a couple of problems for most funds who are not mega-funds.

The first problem is most of the current systems are extremely expensive to implement and maintain.

This expense eats directly into the return of the fund managers.

The second problem is most packaged systems are hard to change or modify which limits what the business can do.

Who We Are

My name is Daniel Clune and I am the President and CEO of a different kind of solutions based company named Metaficient™

Metaficient™ has focused on delivering a dynamic end-user platform and related applications for the financial industry to solve spreadsheet problems and have the kind of required infrastructure.

We created a powerful new platform named MetaBooks™ so we could use it to generate low-cost user-driven cloud-based applications like Metaficient™ Prime.

Prime is a Alternative Asset Management and Shadow Back Office system that is comparable to larger competitor systems, but is cloud-based and which costs a fraction of traditional systems.

Business expert defined applications like Prime by Metaficient™ have several distinct advantages over traditional software packages.

Business experts can develop and/or make change to the existing application without depending on programmers; fund spreadsheets can be controlled and generated from Prime reducing actual business and perceived investor risk; and, software development, maintenance and cost of use are reduced by up to 70 or 80% of traditional systems.  

Now is the Time

There has never been a better time to provide your fund with infrastructure that secures your ideas, helps grow capital and safe guard investor assets.

Make the call and find out how Metaficient™ Prime or a customized solution can help give your fund the edge it needs to attract the capital for growth. call us at 914 241 1106.

About Us

Metaficient™ is a customer centric solutions and services company that uses leading-edge technology to build business solutions faster, better, cheaper, and places control of that technology back in the hands of the experts who know the business best.

Contact Information

Metaficient™ Technologies Inc.
P.O. Box 13
Bedford Hills, N.Y. 10507 

914.470.1111 Fax